Welcome to the LCLL Blog

Welcome to Loving Christ, Loving Life! My name is Patrick Schultz. I serve as pastor for Franksville United Methodist Church in Franksville WI. I've been blogging for a number of years now. In this forum I want to reach out to a new group of people - readers of blogs. My writings are intended to share thoughts and insight with you. Hopefully you will find this of some value.

I invite you to email me with thoughts, correspondence or insight of your own at Pastor@Franksvilleumc.org.

May God's blessing be with you.


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Remembering Judy

Let me share these thoughts with you... My deepest condolences go out to Andy and Angie Ellefson for the loss of Angie’s mom. Almost every Sunday, for over two years, we have been blessed in worship by Judy and Eddie Jenson. Neither are members of the church. In fact they have their own church to which they belong; but, they have been supportive and encouraging of our two year old, contemporary worship service. I have enjoyed tremendously getting to know them. Judy was always smiling, encouraging – a fine, sensitive, sweet soul. I particularly love the way she would sweep her granddaughters into her arms. She would hold them in her lap, tease one of the girls with the nickname, spankenheimer... Her love for her family and God were immense.

Judy passed away very unexpectedly on Thursday (March 1st) even as Eddie was driving her to the hospital. She wasn’t feeling well. I understand her last words to Eddie, as he was driving, were “I love you.” Judy, we will miss you. You have been a joy to us all and we love you. We will be here to support Eddie and Angie and the family in any way we can.

Pastor Patrick and the Milton United Methodist Church.

Preaching at Cedar Crest

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to lead the worship service, and give the message, for Cedar Crest in Janesville at their Sunday evening worship service. Now, this is a busy time for me since Lent had started on Ash Wednesday and I was already preaching three times a week. So, I did what anyone might do and I complained to my wife about having to go. I was tired. I didn't want to take extra time away from my family (I do enough of that already). I didn't want to prepare another sermon. But, I went anyway... kicking and screaming, so to speak!

When I got to Cedar Crest I was warmly welcomed by Terrance and Bess - two of the elderly helpers. Bess gave me a bulletin and walked me through the order of worship. I had some time before service began and went around visiting with some of the people who gathered for worship. Their ages ranged from mid-twenties to mid-eighties. One lady, a Lutheran, came to these worship services even though she was not a resident at Cedar Crest. What a wonderful group of people! There were probably 30-40 in attendance for worship that evening.

And, what a great service it was, too! The organ was played by a blind woman named Carolyn Schultz (no relation). I could have listened to her play all evening. The prayer time was uplifting and the message went well. Many of the people shared with me how meaningful the service was and what a wonderful message.

I talked with one of the residents, John, for a long time after the service. He is a retired pastor from the Iowa conference. He enjoyed the message, the walking through scripture – likened me to a Jesuit priest he knew – I think this was a compliment!

By the time I left the service I found my spirits uplifted and I had been fed. What a joy. In the midst of my weariness and complaining, God had been at work within me. What a blessing.

Sometimes we don't want to do what God is calling us to do. But I think we find that if we go, even if we have to go kicking and screaming, if we go we will be pleasantly surprised by how God can be at work in us. What a blessing.