Welcome to the LCLL Blog

Welcome to Loving Christ, Loving Life! My name is Patrick Schultz. I serve as pastor for Franksville United Methodist Church in Franksville WI. I've been blogging for a number of years now. In this forum I want to reach out to a new group of people - readers of blogs. My writings are intended to share thoughts and insight with you. Hopefully you will find this of some value.

I invite you to email me with thoughts, correspondence or insight of your own at Pastor@Franksvilleumc.org.

May God's blessing be with you.


Friday, August 17, 2012


I like prayer.  Now, that’s a pretty straightforward and simple statement, but it’s true.  Prayer for me doesn’t need to be highly ritualized, although it can be.  Prayer doesn’t need to be a solemn event, although it could be.  Prayer doesn’t need to include tears, but sometimes
it does. 

Prayer is the time I set aside to talk with God.  Sometimes I talk directly to God; sometimes I talk to Jesus; and sometimes I seek out the Holy Spirit.  Being a Triune God – three Gods in One – I know the prayer gets to the right spot no matter what. 

I sometimes laugh in my prayers.  I occasionally tell God a joke – I start out with, ‘Stop me if you’ve heard this one’.  I share with God the events of my life – the good and the bad. 

I like prayer.  It draws me closer to God and refreshes me. 

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