Welcome to the LCLL Blog

Welcome to Loving Christ, Loving Life! My name is Patrick Schultz. I serve as pastor for Franksville United Methodist Church in Franksville WI. I've been blogging for a number of years now. In this forum I want to reach out to a new group of people - readers of blogs. My writings are intended to share thoughts and insight with you. Hopefully you will find this of some value.

I invite you to email me with thoughts, correspondence or insight of your own at Pastor@Franksvilleumc.org.

May God's blessing be with you.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


So the churches were strengthened in the faith 
and increased in numbers daily. Acts 16:5 (NRSV)

In my studies of the Old Testament I have come to realize the building of the Israelite nation happened because God wanted to establish a nation living under the government of God – within the laws and commandments given by God so that the presence of God would be seen by the other nations, by the other people.  This holy nation would be a beacon of light in a darkened world, serving to reveal the character of God to the rest of the world. 

On a smaller scale, doesn't this sound like the church of today?  Perhaps you've asked these questions yourself.  Why are we called together as a people?  Why is the church here?  Why do we spend time learning about God’s commandments and making changes in our own lives?  Why are we seeking to become a holy people?  Yes, so that our own relationship with God deepens, but also (and just as importantly) so we can be a beacon of light in a darkened world and serve to reveal the character of God to the people around us! 

O Holy God, strengthen my will today that I may follow your commandments and listen to your Word.  Be at work in me and through me that I may be a beacon of light in a world of darkness.  Through my character, my example, and my invitation may others come to know the grace and peace of Jesus Christ.  Amen.  Patrick Schultz 

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