Welcome to the LCLL Blog

Welcome to Loving Christ, Loving Life! My name is Patrick Schultz. I serve as pastor for Franksville United Methodist Church in Franksville WI. I've been blogging for a number of years now. In this forum I want to reach out to a new group of people - readers of blogs. My writings are intended to share thoughts and insight with you. Hopefully you will find this of some value.

I invite you to email me with thoughts, correspondence or insight of your own at Pastor@Franksvilleumc.org.

May God's blessing be with you.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All In The Family

In the Gospel of John we see Jesus telling his disciples (and subsequently each one of us), “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” 

Loving one another as Jesus has loved us is not only difficult – it seems downright impossible at times!  We suffer a myriad of maladies that hinder our getting along and are often times confused and feeling hopeless in addressing these issues.  At all times of the year this is worth exploring, but as specially as we begin our new year together. 

I recently conducted a very brief survey in my church, asking church members to note their biggest relational challenges.  I took the top five challenges and have developed this new six-week sermon series entitled, “All In The Family”.  In this series I’ll talk about the relational challenges we face and how we might overcome them.  This is not a ‘fix-all’ by any means, but as we look at varying relational obstacles I hope we can identify one, two, maybe three things we can do that will help us.  Most importantly, we’ll see how having God in our lives improves our relationships with one another. 

I hope you can join us for this series beginning this Sunday - January 19th.

1)     The Brokenness of Relationships (Genesis 4:8-10)
2)    This Language is Confusing (Genesis 11:1-9)
3)     I Hate Dealing With Conflict (Romans 12:14-21)
4)     Time Keeps Slipping (Psalm 39:4-5; 2 Peter 8:8-13) 
5)     Living at the Corner of Faith and Finance (Isaiah 9:2; Psalm 121:1-2; 1 Timothy 6:17) 
6)     Standing At the Cross Roads (Jeremiah 6:16; Matthew 7:13-14) 

I believe this series will help us in our marriages; our relationships at church or school or work; and with our families, friends and neighbors.  

Perhaps you know someone struggling in their own relationships.  This would be a perfect time to invite them to spend some time with us and see what God has to say about our relationships! Come and join us beginning January 19th  

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