Welcome to the LCLL Blog

Welcome to Loving Christ, Loving Life! My name is Patrick Schultz. I serve as pastor for Franksville United Methodist Church in Franksville WI. I've been blogging for a number of years now. In this forum I want to reach out to a new group of people - readers of blogs. My writings are intended to share thoughts and insight with you. Hopefully you will find this of some value.

I invite you to email me with thoughts, correspondence or insight of your own at Pastor@Franksvilleumc.org.

May God's blessing be with you.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A recent wedding

Last Friday I was privileged to preside over a wedding with Jim Fielder and Deb Christman.  They were married in our sanctuary at 4:00pm.  I had been meeting with them for several months and have enjoyed getting to know them.  

I am so often am renewed in my own marriage through the development, meetings, discussions, and leading of weddings.  I am reminded of my own vows when I speak the vows over other couples.  I am reminded of the work that goes into a marriage – a wedding is but one day, a marriage is for a life time.  

For those of us who are married – would that we all could all enjoy this type of process once a year to serve as a reminder of our own vows, our own commitment to own marriage.  My prayers and blessings are with this young at heart couple who are starting a new life together.  May God bless you and keep you. 

Heavenly God, Creator of all that is good and sustainer of life; we come before you giving thanks for the beauty of this day, and the gift of love you have blessed us with. 

We ask you, who have brought together this couple, in faith and in trust, to bless and to hold close Jim and Deb, all the days of their lives.  Let nothing come between them, but keep them for ever loving and for ever true.

Keep them from illness, from poverty and from trouble that would hurt them; but for the trials that come before them, guide them and draw them closer to you.

Grant them throughout all their days, the perfect love which many waters cannot quench and which is stronger than death itself; through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray.  Amen.

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